Polarization Among American Catholics

Happy to see my article, “Why are we at each others’ throats? Healing polarization in our church” in this morning’s National Catholic Reporter. Polarization is getting worse in our society and it is affecting US Catholics. The article provides data on this as well as steps for your congregation or diocese to help heal the fissures that polarization has caused. Here is a pull quote:

We need to grow charity in ourselves, in our parishes and in our world. Charity will help to rebuild the personal and social trust that has slowly eroded.

Hopefully we can start to realize we’re all in this together and remember James Joyce’s words in Finnegan’s Wake: Here comes everybody.

Polarization Interview

I appeared with my colleague, Dr. Joe Chinnici, and Fr. Dan Lackie in a recent article by Dan Morris Young entitled “Polarization in the Pews” in St. Anthony’s Messenger. Chinnici is a Franciscan and a historian and Lackie is a Franciscan author and retreat master. A well-written piece and very pertinent for today (and, as Joe points out, perpetually).

Young Adult Catholic Presentations

1I am very excited to be giving two talks inspired by my edited collection on young adult Catholics this week. The first will be a Thursday evening lecture, open to the public, at my alma mater: the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley. The second talk will be more formal (no pizza and beer here!) at the Santa Clara Faith Formation Conference.

The book is selling well! Amazon has just ran out of it and (I think) this is what led to its reappearance on Paulist Press’ bestsellers list. I’m so glad to know people are finding it useful and are spreading the word!

New Role with RRA

This year Dr. Linda Kawentel (Notre Dame) and I were co-recipients of the Constant H. Jacquet Research Award from the Religious Research Association (thanks so much!). I just accepted a position with them to be on their awards committee for the next three years. Looking forward to promoting (and funding) applied research on religion.

Thanks, RRA!

Reactions to the Sex Abuse Crisis Among Latino/a Catholics

Many thanks to Soli Salgado and Maria Benevento for their well-researched article “Culture plays role in US Hispanics’ muted response to abuse crisis” in the National Catholic Reporter. The authors interviewed a substantial range of people: academics (including me), magisterial and pastoral leaders. A great read for everyone, and a must read for those in Latino ministry.

Weekend with the USCCB

IMG_3048I just got back from Baltimore late last night and had a very good session with the bishops and some observers (including Dr. Michael Galligan-Stierle, president of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities). Dr. Brian Starks, Hans Plate (Vinea Research) and I presented on the findings from the recent campus ministry survey. I was very happy to see so many interested in this important young adult ministry.

To celebrate, we shared bread, wine and more at a local restaurant. Pictured above are Crystal Sullivan (University of Dayton), Hilary Draftz (FOCUS), Mary Deeley (Northwestern University), Brian, Bishop Cheri (New Orleans), Barbara McCrabb (USCCB), Hans, Rosie Chinea-Shawver (University of Southern California) and me.

Book Review for Young Adult American Catholics

1I’m very grateful to Dan Morris-Young of the National Catholic Reporter for the thoughtful and positive review he gave of my Young Adult American Catholics. He concludes his review by noting some of the most relevant audiences for the book, writing:

The book could be a valuable tool on many fronts, in addition to simply providing its reader with a panoramic sense of young adult Catholics. Parish leaders could be better-informed in the evaluation of young adult outreach. Diocesan planners could gain insight into specific challenges, such as ministry to the LGBTQ community or to young Hispanics. Lay organizations might have light bulbs come on about involving young adults in their perhaps flagging apostolates.

Please enjoy the full text of his review here and if you prefer to purchase on amazon, you may do so here.